Samples of past exhibition projects g a macura inc. conceptualized and produced can be found below.
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g a macura inc. managed and curated the GE Corporate Collection for over 20 years. At its height, the collection contained over 4,000 artworks and objects. GE maintained these holdings as a viewable collection at all times, with over 90% of the artwork installed across twelve different worldwide corporate locations.
In 2013, g a macura inc. was entrusted with deaccessioning the collection. Through multiple sales platforms, over three and a half years, Glenn Macura and his team were able to and find new homes for the entire collection.
Artists included in the collection: Larry Bell, Christo, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Helen Frankenthaler, David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Ana Mendieta, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Charles O. Perry, Pablo Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, George Rickey, Andy Warhol, and others
January 1 — April 30, 2013
GE World Headquarters, 3135 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06828
An exhibition of fine art and design history exploring the elusive origin of the GE Monogram, which emerged after Edison General Electric Company and the Thomson-Houston Electric Company merged in 1892. “GE" first appeared in 1889 as part of a ceiling fan. Although several conflicting origin myths account for the invention of the design, the Monogram went on to become one of the most globally recognized logos of our time, appearing in pop culture and artworks by Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and James Rosenquist.